xls, format) that summarizes the building descriptions, thermal zone internal loads, schedules, and other key modeling input information. The scorecard is a spreadsheet (Microsoft® Excel®. Tables 1 and 2 contain a scorecard for each prototype building. The current combination results in an overall set of 3,344 total building models (in EnergyPlus™ Version 9.0). and 3 international locations) for recent editions of Standard 90.1 and IECC. The prototype models include 16 commercial building types in 19 climate locations (16 in the U.S.

As Standard 90.1 and IECC evolve, PNNL makes modifications to the commercial prototype building models, with extensive input from ASHRAE 90.1 Standing Standards Project Committee members and other building industry experts. These prototype buildings–derived from DOE's Commercial Reference Building Models–cover all Reference Building types (with the exception of supermarkets), and also an additional prototype representing high-rise apartment buildings. The suite of commercial prototype buildings cover 75% of the commercial building floor area in the United States for new construction, including both commercial buildings and mid- to high-rise residential buildings, and across all U.S. Manufactured Housing prototype building models Department of Energy's Building Energy Codes Program to evaluate published versions of the code, as well as in developing proposed code changes. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) simulates energy savings associated with changes in energy codes and standards. DOE publishes its findings in an effort to ensure transparency in its support, and to make its analysis available for public review and use. Department of Energy (DOE) supports the development of commercial and residential building energy codes and standards by participating in industry review and update processes, and providing technical analyses to support both published model codes and potential changes.